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Sleep apnea??
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John Burns
Posted 4/21/2021 16:16 (#8965542 - in reply to #8965270)
Subject: RE: Sleep apnea??

Pittsburg, Kansas

Congrats on the keto diet.

It helped all those things for me too but did not eliminate the need for the cpap (actually my current machines are BIPAP's). I did cut my maximum pressure way down from what was needed when heavier, but I still have to use it. But I am pretty sure I had sleep apnia all the way back to when I was 14 years old. Only found out about it in my late 20's when I had a sleep study. And I was thin when in high school so my apnia was not completely caused by the weight gain.

Can't remember for sure what I weighed in high school but I think it was around 165. I'm at 175 now (6'2").

Edited by John Burns 4/21/2021 16:16
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