Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot | That sort of came out wrong, I wasn't referring to you as being the person tooting their own horn.
I agree about looking around, it is one reason I love to out of the valley here. Love seeing different ways of doing things I might apply to better my place or make something easier.
My beef is with people who run others down or insist upon their way being better. I eat at restaurants some but try and time it so the crowd isn't there. I don't need gossip. Or some arrogant attitudes. If a guy does a poor job he will loose ground sooner or later. Either that or he is independently wealthy, and it is his ground to do as he pleases. Couple guys I do a lot of custom work for are both very good operators now, and large for he. Both humble guys who started with nothing, and they'd be the first to tell you for the first years most of their crops were probably in the bottom 10%. They learned and got better, without anyone else just taking over the ground as was suggested above. | |