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Anything historical ever happen on your farm?
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Ben D, N CA
Posted 12/17/2012 21:24 (#2758719 - in reply to #2758222)
Subject: RE: Anything historical ever happen on your farm?

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot
Most of my farm ground was underwater until USBR started draining the lake in the early 1900's. Where my house and shop is was above the old lakeshore, on a bench that would have been a beach. Lots and lot of arrowheads and other indian rocks. Found some nice bowls and mortars, couple spearheads. I also have a rock ridge next to the house that would have been a peninsula into the lake, there are actual indian paintings on them. All the farms here were part of the homestead lotteries for WWII vets. Every 80 here is named for the vet who homesteaded it after WWII. Areas of the lake that were drained earlier have WWI vets. Not many of them left, and very few are still in the original families, like most places. I did get to buy mine from my grandfather who got his in the last drawing, in 1949, kind of neat to still have it in the family.

The Applegate Trail, an offshoot from the Oregon Trail, passed just north of here. There are several places I know of where you can still see the ruts from the wagons... but I know of about three different paths that are supposed to be the 'one'. I'm sure one of them actually is the old route. Some of the history books have one of the battles of the Modoc Indian War occurring right here, some of them have it further north.

Also the Tulelake Internment Camp, where they housed the Japanese during WWII was located right next to the farm, on land owned by family. Still foundations from the barracks there. They gave the barracks themselves to the vets who were homesteading here after WWII, so nearly every house here (mine included) started out as an old Jap barrack. Most all of them have been added onto and remodeled, but I can still pick the original building out in most of them. Used to be a lot of bottles and stuff in the old dump from the internment camp, but it has been scavenged over pretty good in years past. We found a tea cup when we were little kids that had Japanese writing on it out in the rock caves behind where I know live.
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