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One more AgLeader 2000 question
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 6/19/2006 12:56 (#20587 - in reply to #20449)
Subject: Re: One more AgLeader 2000 question

From my experience calibrating using both the semi load and recommended ~4000lb cal loads they both have positives and negatives.

Using 55,000 lb loads gets you calibrated very well for the exact conditions you are running in that field on that day. I have seen monitors calibrated to less than 1% erros using this method. If conditions change (moisture, variety, etc.) this method can cause the calibrations to become incorrect very quickly as it averages out the variance when you use such large loads.

Using the smaller loads harvested at different flow rates (flow is varried by altering speed or number of rows being harvested without telling the monitor) it is more difficult to get a really low percent error on the first field, but often the monitor is better equipped to deal with changes in the crop conditions.

Keeping track of all weights over an entire year and entering them all as cal loads is a bad idea. It sounds good, and entering the actual weights in the software is a good thing, but entering them all as cal loads will again cause a averaging of the data, removing the accuracy at high and low flow rates.

For the original poster I would recommend starting with AgLeaders default cal numbers. Even if the monitor is on the same combine as it was before, you do not know of the previous owner took any time to perform good calibrations, nor will you know for sure if there have been some changes to the machine that may render those old cal numbers void, so the C numbers in the monitor now may be junk. If you cannot get something in the field to calibrate with, than use semi loads, it better than nothing at all, you may just be doing it more often.
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