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One more AgLeader 2000 question
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Posted 6/18/2006 14:31 (#20347 - in reply to #20123)
Subject: RE: One more AgLeader 2000 question

Brazilton KS

I agree that having the correct bushels is not that important for my intended use of the data. 


Life would sure be a lot simpler with only one combine in the field....then almost anything would be acceptible re:calibration.  With three machines in the field it is necessary to either

a)keep them segregated in different parts of the field....not practical from an operations standpoint 

b)keep them operating in a line, so that you will get a swath from each machine in pretty well with two machines but three machines with wide heads starts to get your data spread out all over the place.  Can be impractical with three


c) have everything calibrate so that all data can be used in common.  This is obviously the preferred answer but is operationally difficult without a weigh wagon availible to use in the field. 


I have one of the old auger-counter yield measuring devices which I have never installed in  a newer combine.  I wish I had three of them, as I believe they would go a long ways toward making good calibration more practical.  Still, a grain cart scale is the answer....wonder if I could make the yield-trak work on a grain cart auger??? 



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