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One more AgLeader 2000 question
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Posted 6/17/2006 18:57 (#20123 - in reply to #20095)
Subject: RE: One more AgLeader 2000 question

Central Kansas
We use the combine bin method to do a "quick calibrate". Actually we run two machines and it is cometimes difficult to have a load going to town with just one machines output on it. When the time does arrive to properly calibrate the "quick calc" loads can be deselected from calculation process. We fill the bins clear full and then enter the estimated weight usually two hundred fifty bushels for our machines. I have been within two percent of actual load wieghts using this method.

How acurate is the calibration when you begin wheat harvest with 63 poun dtest wheat and get a three inch rain and test weight drops to 58. Similar problems occur in fall harvest with different corn varieties where test weights really vary. Not many people i know select corn1, corn2 or corn3 for different test weight corns.

How important is having the yield data exact. I am more interested in the variance between yields from different portions of the field than actual yield. Normalization of yield data makes exact yield data in my opinion not near a important.
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