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One more AgLeader 2000 question
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Posted 6/17/2006 15:45 (#20095 - in reply to #20029)
Subject: RE: One more AgLeader 2000 question

Brazilton KS
Actually it would not be very accurate, which is the point I was trying to make...apparently not very well.   When you cut a load of say 1000 bushels it is nearly impossible to maintain a constant flow rate, which is what the monitor needs in order to calculate an accurate calibration.  A load which contains flow rates all across the spectrum of C numbers is not at all useful from a regression standpoint.  When you try to use whole field data this is what you end up with.  What you need is a number of loads, each at different flow rates so that you can pin down enough points on the curve to be able to get a good regression. 
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