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One more AgLeader 2000 question
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Posted 6/15/2006 11:04 (#19664)
Subject: One more AgLeader 2000 question

Rawlins County Kansas
Hello all. I got my SRAM card and have no trouble reading it in win2k (after a driver download). Thanks for the help!

Looking through the manual, it is slightly confusing as to what all the calibration factors are, how they are calculated and set and how critical they are to system performance.

Here is what I need to be able to do (as we have no weigh wagons and we won't be running a semi with 250 bu on it to town 20 miles away):

I need to know what calibration numbers can be set manually that normally would be calculated by the Calibration loads? For example, with JD there is a single calibration number that can be tweeked manually to fine tune the yield monitor data. Is there an equivilant on the AG 2000?

Thanks again!

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