Southwestern Minnesota | My experience with bigger corporations and companies is that the HR process has become so cumbersome that it has become inefficient and ineffective and potential great candidates are lost. There are so many steps and different people involved in the hiring process now, and the actual department that they are hiring for is so far-removed from what their job is, that it doesn't really concern them whether they will lose a good candidate, but rather that they follow the process. Jobs have to be posted for so much time, all the interviews have to be done and be fair, references need to be checked, etc. Most times there are various people doing these different jobs, so the one that is taking the calls is not the one doing the interviews, is not the one doing the reference checks, is not the one who makes the offer, etc. Also, so much is done online now, that they don't feel the need to reach out personally to each candidate.
I guess my advice would be that if your son really is interested in that job, and he can see that it hasn't been filled by checking online and can see that it is still posted, that he should continue to try to make contacts. If he can get to the person who would actually be his supervisor, that would be even better. That person may be able to apply some pressure on HR to speed things up, or at least offer a reason for the delay. If he can talk to the actual manager that he would report to and tell him or her that he is still interested in the position, but that he has other positions that he is also considering, so he'd like to know where his application with that company stands so he can make a decision, might spur the process on if they really are interested in your son as a candidate. | |