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What's the secret to a good nights sleep
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mike in sw mn
Posted 1/25/2023 11:09 (#10059017 - in reply to #10056855)
Subject: RE: What's the secret to a good nights sleep

Walnut Grove MN USA
Same issue here, tried some of the herbal stuff and had no effect, even melatonin doesn’t work unless I pair it up with some Tylenol PM. About an hour before I go to bed I take 2 Tylenol. If it is a morning I can sleep in a little maybe add 2-3 melatonin gummies. Still don’t like the idea of taking drugs to sleep but came to conclusion it was better than not sleeping. It’s not fool proof because I still wake up middle of the night sometimes but usually can get back to sleep quicker. Some scientists say it is part of our normal rhythm to wake up in the middle of the night, maybe to keep the bears out of the cave or something from caveman days!
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