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What's the secret to a good nights sleep
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Posted 1/25/2023 11:05 (#10059013 - in reply to #10056855)
Subject: RE: What's the secret to a good nights sleep

I assume you wake up "wide awake" - but not really rested. I've had this problem most of my life. My mind starts to work, and sleep is not possible. It is both a blessing and a curse, I think. It is why I survived the farming depression in the 80s - there is no doubt in my mind. The curse part is obvious to you, I'm sure.

You might look into something I've been taking at bedtime now for several years. A low dose (300 mg) of gabapentin. I believe that it quiets my mind - but over the years, I have not sensed one single "unintended consequence" of this. It has been around forever, I think. Dosages, from what I've heard and read, can go a considerable amount above this dose.

Also, I have spent years having few or even no dreams. Now, I have regular dreams.

Again, look into it if you are interested. Ask your doctor about it. I definitely think it's worth a try. Again, I have experienced no side effects with this.

Note - for awhile, I was taking another 200 mg when I would get up in the night, but I only occasionally do this anymore.
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