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What's the secret to a good nights sleep
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Posted 1/24/2023 13:22 (#10057134 - in reply to #10056855)
Subject: RE: What's the secret to a good nights sleep

West of Broken Bow
Check your stress level for one and no internet or tv an hour before bedtime. Don’t take a phone or laptop to bed either. Don’t watch tv or videos in bed.

When I quit carrying such a high stress load from work my sleep improved a lot. Depending on the individual, stress may be hard to avoid. My daily work load was ridiculous, so it was difficult to shut the mind off at night knowing what was ahead the following day.

Something you might look into taking is liquid magnesium capsules. Take one at or near bedtime. I don’t recall the MG.

Probably best to avoid eating spicy foods before bedtime or for evening meals. Rich desserts or sugary snacks in the evenings might contribute to poor sleep.

Also: Keep your bedroom as dark as possible. If light from outside sources can shine through or around curtains and blinds, you might need to find a way to block the light from shining in. Sometimes blankets fixed or hung over the curtains or blinds can help darken a bedroom. Some people use ear plugs at night to lessen outside noises.

Lastly, avoid caffeine in the evenings entirely. No tea or soda.

Edited by TractorAddict 1/24/2023 14:04
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