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USB to Serial converter
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AR Plowboy
Posted 5/4/2006 20:24 (#9993)
Subject: USB to Serial converter

East Central Arkansas
I just purchased a USB to serial converter to use on a laptop for a gps and so far have not been able to make it work. I purchased this from a internet company SF cables and their tech support didn't seem to have time to talk to a country boy and suggested I just send it back. I am sure by the time I sent it back I would still come out in the hole for shipping. Enough complaining. Can anyone give some suggestions . I have installed the drivers on the laptop. This laptop has three different usb ports. Should it make any difference which port I use. How do I find which port is which? I have Farm Works Site Mate installed on the laptop and in the configure section in gps settings under the com settings You can select different port settings . Which com port should you use. With the Ipaq I use com 1 and I also hooked the Holux 210 to the desktop and got gps on com 1. It seems that this cable is not allowing connection through it. Is there any special settings I need to make in the laptop.
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