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Having a very hard time wrapping my head around machinery prices
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Posted 8/7/2022 15:05 (#9785113 - in reply to #9784057)
Subject: RE: Having a very hard time wrapping my head around machinery prices

johnypop - 8/6/2022 22:30

jeff gordon - 8/6/2022 10:12

40 miles away there's multi family group that trades yearly. All green, and 9 of everything, combines, large frame 4wds, fwas. 3 sprayers... They beat the heck out of equipment. Zero maintenance.

Same thing here, from lawnmower to combine, hired men say everyday is Christmas, never know when something new shows up.

I can remember when it was a big deal when someone in my neighborhood bought a new tractor or combine. Now they wait for the dealer to bring the new planters already set up how they want. They run it a few weeks and wait for the new combines to show up. It’s mind blowing.
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