Driftless SW Wisconsin | York,
Here are two photos of the strips left by our Dawn 16 Row 30" strip till toolbar system after the morning demo at Waseca, MN on Thursday. This was baled oat stubble. This strip will warm and plant like conventional ground in MN in the spring.
What I discussed with a number of farmers is how the strip is really just a conventional ribbon in the field, working and fertilizing (for Ron) only where we are going to plant. You can reduce fertilizer rates by fertilizing this strip (mixed or at the bottom/side) compared to broadcast on the hard surface hoping for a rain.
This is a customer's toolbar, he is going to put on both liquid and dry fertilizer in one pass. he is waiting for a JD 1910 air cart to arrive.
We ran all 16 rows, 40 ft wide, we had just folded to move to the afternoon spot. This was not representative of typical corn on corn or corn on bean conditions but did show the general idea to the folks at the demo. In the afternoon session there had been a lot of traffic over the short run area.
Jim at Dawn
Edited by Jim 7/29/2006 10:27
(Dawn Vision Striptill 16R30 Waseca MN072706 img2607.JPG)
(Dawn Vision Striptill 16R30 Waseca MN072706 img2606.JPG)
Attachments ---------------- Dawn Vision Striptill 16R30 Waseca MN072706 img2607.JPG (62KB - 302 downloads) Dawn Vision Striptill 16R30 Waseca MN072706 img2606.JPG (65KB - 286 downloads)
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