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Spray drone licensing
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Posted 2/7/2023 19:26 (#10083574 - in reply to #10081076)
Subject: RE: Spray drone licensing

tmuddly17 - 2/6/2023 08:22

You need a part 137 which allows you to spray ag chemicals (in addition to your pesticide applicators license). You also need a waiver to operate a drone weighing more than 55 lbs. You will also need a class 2 FAA medical exam.

Edit to add: you also need drone insurance. Your farm policy will not give you coverage once the drone leaves the ground. I used VT Insurance Agency. I believe he's based in Texas. Easy guy to work with. Very transparent about what you need, options, and the cost.

the 107 is tough for someone with zero airspace experience. I passed mine, but it was tough. I have a hard time staying up on the changing rules since I dont fly often for commercial use (just a storm chaser, selling video).

you may need another certificate or license if your drone is so heavy.
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