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Spray drone licensing
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Posted 2/5/2023 17:29 (#10080207 - in reply to #10080151)
Subject: RE: Spray drone licensing

I have. Hated every minute of it. I still have a few things to finalize mine, I believe. I have my 107 as well. You better do it. Eventually, you will need it. I'm also scheduled to get my class 2 med exam on Wednesday because the government would hate for me to keel over while watching the robot drone do its thing autonomously.

Get ahold of this lady:

Kelly Neubecker, President
UASolutions Group, LLC
[email protected]

I don't care how smart you are, you will not want to do all this stuff by yourself. It's a glaring need that the FAA needs to adapt these requirements to the Ag sector. I shouldn't have to know the things I now know to do this legally, but I do. Good luck. Email is good if you need/want to PM me.
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