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Spray drone licensing
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Posted 2/8/2023 04:19 (#10083933 - in reply to #10081065)
Subject: RE: Spray drone licensing

Alexandria, IN (East Central Indiana)
tmuddly17 - 2/6/2023 08:17

I started about a year ago. The 137 stuff takes the longest, but the lady whose info I posted is taking care of that for me. It could have gone quicker, but I haven't been on the ball with other stuff going on. In the meantime, while waiting for waivers and exemptions, I was able to legally fly under another company's waivers and exemptions. Their name is Farmitude. It's a monthly fee, but makes you legal. Even after I am no longer needing them I will probably still ending paying them something to continue to be able to use their flight planning/logging platform.

Would you elaborate on the Farmitude examination? I am signed up to do mine on March 21 along with my brother-in-law. I am curious how that process went for you? I've got their study guides etc but is it one on one with examiner and alot of memorization of the checklists? Or is it more of a skills test to make sure you can fly safely? Any details you can provide there would be awesome to dedicate our time preparing in the right places!
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