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Benefits/Pitfalls of a guaranteed basic income as proposed by the Canadian government
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Posted 3/2/2021 19:31 (#8868820 - in reply to #8868037)
Subject: RE: Benefits/Pitfalls of a guaranteed basic income as proposed by the Canadian government

redoak - 3/2/2021 11:51

IDK if it would change much as would it be much different than bay bonuus/family allowance monies , welfare, social assistance ,subsidzed housing ,ect.?
As a farmer signed up for every gov't program I can its pretty hard to bash someone else getting money
I will disagree with those who say the poor are poor because of life choices , yes true in some cases but not everyone has the same opportunities growing up for jobs, education , family guidance, ect.
Never have met a 'poor person' who says they chose to be poor ,homeless or on social assistance.
The biggest challenge Canada and US is facing is the inequality between the haves and the have nots.

For those who desire but cannot afford it we need to give them a hand up through education ,housing , food banks....

For me and maybe 99% of the ones on this board we have no idea what it is too grow up in an inner city ghetto .

We grew up poor , but never lacked for necessities of life, parents love, ect....

Have you had alot of conversations with homeless folks? And I mean long term ones. Not down on luck and temp homeless. I highly doubt it. But according to my social worker sister it's amazing how many kinda snap out with life's regular issues and basically make the choice to roll homeless. Not over 50 percent but amazing high. And she has worked in several different cities.

But the main reasons are mental issues and addiction and it isn't close. The above could probably go in the mental issues.
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