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Benefits/Pitfalls of a guaranteed basic income as proposed by the Canadian government
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Posted 3/2/2021 09:39 (#8867795)
Subject: Benefits/Pitfalls of a guaranteed basic income as proposed by the Canadian government

Please don’t get into the politics of it. This is such a far reaching concept that no one person can think of all of the benefits and pitfalls so I figured I’d ask for help in thinking about the implications. I was talking to someone recently and I was surprised that he didn’t think it was all bad. After hearing what he had to say I have to say he made some good points.

Our societies have a multitude of various social programs to support the less fortunate and it sounds like this will replace all of those programs. In theory such a simple system like that should be very easy to implement and it has potential to eliminate a huge swath of government officials who are overseeing and implementing these complicated programs. In theory is of course the key word. I don’t see how they will justify giving the rich as much as the poor.

Could such a simple program actually be effective? I do not trust the government to have our best interests at heart so I automatically assume there are more negatives than positives. Yes this could be considered a form of socialism or whatever term a person chooses to use but unfortunately all of the already existing wealth distribution programs amount to a form of that already. Our societies have a lot of wealth distribution schemes in place already.

Again, please don’t turn this political other than to point out any issue or advantage you can think of. This idea is so far reaching that I don’t even know how to start connecting the dots but I’m extremely wary of the pitfalls that the public won’t think of.
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