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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/31/2020 18:31 (#8154364 - in reply to #8153429)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
That's cute. A bunch of no experience in aviation drone advocates (Or barely got a private pilot and havnt flown for 3 decades) thinking they can talk on a subject they know nearly nothing about to a person that has made a living as a professional commercial pilot since 1993.

I don't blame you for wanting to do the things in a drone. But there are FEDERAL rules in place. I didn't make them. Several I really dont agree with. But they are there. I can live, work, and make it home every night with them.

Drones will bring about changes to some rules, but many more will be created to for those privileged to fly drones in the existing airspace with manned. It's a privilege, like a drivers lidense, but with feds, not state, county, or city police.

Get educated, not possible to have a discussion with morons.
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