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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/24/2020 14:21 (#8135178 - in reply to #8135115)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
On your land is driving, over your land is essentially regulated airspace. It's not free or your space. It's aircraft space.

There is also pipeline, power line flights, law enforcement, medical and various other occassional flights of manned aircraft. Airspace regs are there to protect aircraft and the people in them as well as congested areas of people on the ground. Also over a single residence with the exception of aircraft in the act of working (ie aerial application)

If you want to fly a drone over your land thats fine, but you need to follow flight regulations like all other aircraft. You dont get to cut out a piece of regulated airspace to call your own to do whatever you want. The cowboy days are over. If there was some rare resemblance of those days, addition of drones will get them completely extinguished.
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