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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 3/21/2020 12:20 (#8125624 - in reply to #8125447)
Subject: RE: Let's end this one

WC Mn/Dakotas
I agree. But with these drones we are seeing a huge number with zero previous aviation knowledge. Compound that with today's technology and bad habits of driving and texting. We are looking at young people with no aviation training, used to driving while on their phones now flying autonomous aircraft (reguardless of whether in sight or not) They are not physically watching that drone and on the lookout for that occassional low flying manned airplane. They are glued to a phone, on a call, sitting in a cab, etc. Me flying to the next field whether spraying or crop checking will fly through this danger zone before the avg drone operator can respond. That's a problem.
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