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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 3/21/2020 11:18 (#8125447 - in reply to #8101426)
Subject: Let's end this one

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
I never expected my original post to create so many replies and replies to the replies. As a former pilot I can relate to the problems that drones can cause and will only fly mine in areas far from regular air traffic such as my fields or maybe the abandoned athletic field of my old High School that has been closed for some time.

I feel present and former pilots will be respectful of the implications and stay away. There will always be those that are only out for their own enjoyment even if it is at the expense or danger to others.

Edited by tedbear 3/21/2020 11:18
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