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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/20/2020 14:49 (#8122786 - in reply to #8122648)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
The point is All aircraft and drones need to "see and avoid" somehow. It is each crafts burden of responsiblity to the safety of the others. Pilots can not see drones and remote drone pilots cant see manned craft at much distance. The cowboy days of a drone flying without being able to avoid manned craft are very limited. All manned aircraft organizations are pushing hard for this. An educated licensed professional drone pilot would be aware of and understand this. A new player in an old game expecting existing players to yield to them and have to spend several times more money than a drone itself costs so a drone can avoid a manned craft is absurd.
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