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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/19/2020 21:19 (#8120665 - in reply to #8120253)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
Good points Ron. Ya kinda hard to spend $6k+ on a champ for something like ads-b, but it could happen if drones force their way into the airspace game.

Transponders are required for some airspace but not all. I regularly fly mn to tx without. My cub went to AK and back without.

I would most definitely buy into the drones if there was a clear way to do a business that made money. For a while I was close to doing that for whole field stand counts, but I've come to find out it can be done by aircraft and I can do 1000s of acres not 10s if acres. I keep trying to find a legit reason to buy a drone, but the business plan keeps pointing to aircraft. Beyond r&d I just dont see any advantage for the jobs I am involved with. If I wasn't a pilot, yes I would have one to pop up above power lines to get a look at a field or 2 a day. But I'm a pilot and i have a cub and I can go look at 20k in an hour of flying.
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