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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/19/2020 12:45 (#8119206 - in reply to #8118992)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

SE Iowa
"This financial burden really needs to be placed wholly on the drones if they want to enter an existing game, not the other way around."

I agree with you, we have a delicate problem with airspace and how manned and unmanned aircraft interact. But you purchased a large manned aircraft but aren't willing to install instruments? Having mandatory drone tracking with ADS-B is a great step and cheap if implemented correctly.

"For the foreseeable future, there is nothing a drone can do a manned aircraft cant do and do more of (scalability). Many things need to happen before drones will realistically replace manned craft."

And there it is.

Why did you have to throw this drone industry jab in there? There are so many use cases that drones are FAR superior to manned aircraft (believe it or not, even in the agriculture industry). That wasn't the original topic of the post. Let's keep on track.
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