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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/19/2020 11:29 (#8118992 - in reply to #8118258)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
dronedude - 3/19/2020 08:11

the only way drones and manned aircraft play well together is if all manned aircraft have ADS-B active during flight. We really need to know where all manned aircraft are to fly a drone safely.

In the same way drones should have some sort of ADS-B. But flooding this service probably isn’t the best implementation.

I more or less agree that is probably going to be reality.

That's also my point and what i feel drone pilots dont understand. Now and since the beginning of flight, manned aviation has been able to fly without an instrument telling the pilot there is another aircraft in the vicinity. The first rule no matter where or when is to "see and avoid" other aircraft. Yes in congested airspace there are further restrictions or equipment requirements. But there is currently a huge area and vast number of private aircraft that safely and legally fly by only see and avoid (in very simple terms). Now you add 100s of thousands of drones in this same see and avoid areas (there will be almost zero drones in the controlled airspaces) So we are mostly talking about requiring aircraft of private and small business that dont need ads-b, to spend $6 to 15k in order to let a $500-2500 drone play in an otherwise very simple system. Unless current ads-b price comes down or some other system based soley on the drone is mandated, this will force many peivate manned aircraft out of the air. It will add more ecpense to ag aircraft and other small business. This will make it harder for new pilots to get started. Whats left? A bunch of drones. For the foreseeable future, there is nothing a drone can do a manned aircraft cant do and do more of (scalability). Many things need to happen before drones will realistically replace manned craft. This financial burden really needs to be placed wholly on the drones if they want to enter an existing game, not the other way around.
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