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FAA going to require Internet Access??
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Posted 3/19/2020 08:06 (#8118238 - in reply to #8114052)
Subject: RE: FAA going to require Internet Access??

WC Mn/Dakotas
The cowboy world is a great analogy. It's any person ordering a drone and sending it into the air without knowledge or training or licensing of the airspace and aircraft rules that have been in place for decades. Not saying it's a perfect system or that I like it all. Drone world needs to respect what is in place, realize the load they are to the current system, understand that their presence is going to require current aircraft to incure huge expenses for drones to integrate into what was once "their" unique world. You can buy a few hundred dollar drone with ads-b on it already and in order for manned aircraft to add ads-b will cost $6000 and up. Now if manned could use a $100 ads-b it would be different. If drones were burdened with the task of see and avoid (like manned aircraft are) there wouldn't be hardly any pushback. But then that few hundred dollar drone isnt going to be that cheap at that point. Those that are serious about drones would be left because they have become professional and earned their place and the casual cowboys would be nearly non existent. Yes there are a few manned cowboys, but its a pretty low total number from a fairly small pool. Drones are a huge pool with a very high percentage of completely untrained.
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