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New drone setup
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Posted 1/4/2020 13:16 (#7951154 - in reply to #7950882)
Subject: RE: New drone setup

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
After watching yet another video on the update for my Mavic Mini, I learned that the zone business that was changed is already that way on the other Mavics. It was left out of the mini at first but is no added. Apparently you can go into some of the restricted zones if you have permission to do so. The video shows a guy who was prevented from going into some air space but after the update was allowed to by giving some information. The app still said he didn't have permission but yet he was able to fly in the space. My guess is confusion in the language translation from Chinese to English.

In m previous post I mentioned that I didn't seem able to vie a video made after the update. I tried another video and found that I was able to view it on my computer by using a different video program.

Someone asked on another post about the video choices. with a Mavic Mini. I seem to have a choice of 2.7K or 1080P for recording video. There are some other settings of frames/sec etc. that I may play with once I get some experience.
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