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New drone setup
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Posted 1/4/2020 11:16 (#7950849 - in reply to #7944472)
Subject: RE: New drone setup

Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn.
Not really sure since I'm so new to this. I got a Mavic Mini about 3 weeks ago. I installed the latest firmware at that time. I was looking at it again today and noticed that the app on my phone indicated that a new firmware update was out for the Mini. As I understand it (well really don't understand much yet) the new update will allow me to fly closer to those restricted zones by choosing an option.

Now your Mavic Pro uses a different app but maybe this idea also applies to yours. Sorry not to be of much help. After the update today, I tried taking some still pictures and also a video with the Mini just sitting on a table. I was successful doing this before the update. I did notice one of the menu items is now in what I assume is Chinese rather than English. Anyway the still and videos seem to work as I expected.

I removed the memory card and placed it in my card reader to look at the pictures and video on my computer. The still pictures were as expected. The video appeared to be there with the DJI naming and numbering scheme. The name and file size seemed appropriate. However, when I tried to play back the video on the computer, nothing seemed to happen. I did not get any type of error message. I was successful in doing this prior to the upgrade. Much to learn yet.
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