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New drone setup
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 1/1/2020 13:53 (#7944472)
Subject: New drone setup

Just got a new Mavic Pro and looking for some advice before I go through the setup steps given in the instructions. I live about a mile from a tiny municipal airport with very little traffic, and almost all of our fields are withing 5 miles of it. I would like to be able to use it for crop scouting and taking pictures of tile lines we've run, as well as just for fun around the farm. A friend recommended that I avoid doing firmware updates so that I'm not restricted from flying where I need to. I dont want to do anything illegal, but also would like to be able to use my new drone as much as possible. I downloaded an app (Airmap) and it doesn't look like I'm in a restricted zone. Any recommendations before I connect my phone to the drone?
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