Minnesota/Kentucky fertility based on ENERGY | The cost of SOP would run $725.00/ton, the bigger issue would be 47% chloride and when there are high nitrate nitrogen numbers the conversion to chlorine gas is very rapid and this become the bigger issue when growing any crop.
200 lbs. = 94 lbs. of chloride and the increased leaching of KCL (0-0-60) vs. SOP which in light soil KCL casn lose up to 75% with 20 inches of rain and the same rain event SOP will lose only 15% simple math you could lose upto 150 lbs. in a average rain year (20 inches) of KCL giving you 50 lbs. material and 30 lbs. actual K vs 75 lbs. of SOP 15% lose = 63 lbs. material or 31 lbs. acual K while still receiving 13.5 lbs. Sulfates
KCL $585.00 cost $58.50 per acre you could lose upto $43.88 worth of K
SOP $725.00 cost $27.19 per acre you could lose upto $4.08 worth of K
Florida research Sartian 1988, Stewart 1985, and Zehler 1981, and I beleive Rehhms 1989 Minnesota