| Dairy and crop farmers have it tough with this economy, it's even worse in India, with a rate of 2 farmer suicides per hour.
Adults suicides is one thing, but teen and young adult suicides is even worse and a bigger and sadder loss and waste.
With about 4,000 suicides per year, it is the THIRD leading cause of death in the 15-24 years U.S. population. The teen suicide rate in Russia is 3 times higher.
At least these teen suicides are unforgivable. Not to the teens, but to the bullies, friends, family, teachers, who caused it, let it happen or maybe even didn't see it happening.
I don't need to believe in invisible people in the sky or fairy tales to live a meaningful and rightful life though, so I don't believe in Hell or that suicides go to Hell.
Suicide is still wrong, but I would never put the blame on the person who commit it. He is the victim most of the time, not the guilty part. | |