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Guidance system
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Posted 11/15/2023 19:15 (#10483398 - in reply to #10483274)
Subject: RE: Guidance system


tractorgear - 11/15/2023 17:47 Great information and help! So the ATU is about $2K ? What about the 3000 receiver and the 2630 screen, $$? Is it recommended to buy used modules?

New ATU is $1700 ish but more like 2k with the harnesses and parts new. 

Used 2600 with Autotrac is $2k-3k? 2630 is next step newer and much nicer and might be more like $3-4k used w/ autotrac. 4240 you don't see many around but a used one would be perfect for your needs and in those ranges too I'd think. 

Used SF3000 is $1500 to $2k or a used SF6000 $2300 to $2800. 

So ballpark $7k? If you go new ATU, used on the display and receiver. The thing is once you have that stuff, you can pretty much use them on anything as long as what you move it to has a greenstar harness. Combine, other tractor, etc. Might as well get the most use out of it over a season. Can use free Operations Center if you need to manage boundaries, guidance lines, print maps, etc. 

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