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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 07:51 (#1916173)
Subject: Goss's wilt and hybrids

west central Iowa
I took these pics last Sunday. You can clearly see the hybrid difference. We are continous corn. We bale all stalks in fall, spread cattle manure and rip/chisel. We have very little residue left on our field when we till. Can the bacteria survive going through the cattle? Probably would survive in bedding. I have a neighbor with rotated corn on strip till that also has Goss's. Have a west neighbor who plowed last fall and planted corn this year. I might have to go look at that. FYI- Our estimated yields went from 190-220 down to 130-170 in 1 month. Had to find something stronger than Pepto when I used a number other than 90,000 seeds per bu. We are in Carroll Co. (west central iowa).



Attachments 100_2855.jpg (106KB - 1948 downloads)
Attachments 100_2852.jpg (118KB - 1964 downloads)
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