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Fixed wing spray drones
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Posted 5/2/2023 10:03 (#10212808 - in reply to #10149821)
Subject: RE: Fixed wing spray drones

The fixed wing UAS's definitely have their place, just not in RPAAS. There are several reasons for this. Launch and recovery is one of them. There are catapult systems but if you realize the GTOW of the payload and airframe that would be launched, an enormous amount of energy would be needed to get airborne. Recovery is also difficult because with increased weight becomes bigger chance in aircraft damage in a net recovery which is really the only runways. VTOL/Fixed Mode Transition Hybrids could be an option but the power problem is still there for now.
The tighter areas that a multirotor can get into deliver greater field coverage. Obstacle avoidance is also much better as the multi can simply stop to await further command.

I hope this helps.

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