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Do drones trespass?
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Posted 9/9/2021 15:03 (#9211171 - in reply to #9210892)
Subject: RE: Do drones trespass?

I was all over drones back when they first came out. I worked for a company that bought a couple winged models and we played with Crop imaging. It seemed like the possibilities were endless. Regulation cut the throat of the industry. At the time I couldn’t imagine what the problem could be. No one could afford one for personal use and what would a guy even do with it.

Now you can buy one to spy on your immediate neighbor for less than an I phone and I suspect 2-3 iPhones will get one in you can raise havoc from afar with. They will have to legislate something on them eventually that has teeth. But again knowing politicians it will probably do more to harm commercial legitimate uses than it will to curb trespassing and hunting with them.
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