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Do drones trespass?
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 9/9/2021 12:07 (#9210915 - in reply to #9210482)
Subject: RE: Do drones trespass?

Chebanse, IL.....

I'm familiar with drones, video feed, photo/video capturing, & N numbers, both large & small.

I'm not familiar with hunting hogs. We just bred, farrowed, and raised them. But I think that was different.

No, it's not OK with me for ground vehicles to tread upon our land & potentially do damage, or cause liability in some manner. But I don't think you asked about that in the OP. I think you're probably a reasonable person & I'm guessing you already knew if it was OK to "shoot down" an air vehicle. Probably differs with state laws, but air rights aren't yours or mine. 

I do think there can be nuisances of any type, like drones or planes. As others pointed out, I'm guessing that while you were watching (?) that drone, you were being photographed by at least one satellite, or more with a better photo than the drone could offer. I am assuming your target was a smaller drone? Like the size of a basketball? I disagree with drone operators that create nuisances. I disagree with my fellow ATV owners that create nuisances. I disagree with my fellow fw or rw pilots that create nuisances by "buzzing", though that might be subjective. Balloons? They seem to be welcome & amaze everyone so people normally give them a free pass going over at tree top level while they quietly observe you.

Again, I say, I don't think it's legal in any state or country for you to be able to shoot a small drone unless it's intent is proven to be doing bodily harm to you. But, like I said, if you are that exasperated, go for it & report back here if you can. However, I still think you're reasonable though. Just be prepared to spend some time in court attempting to defend your action.

I believe you will want to adhere to Texas laws:

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