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Do drones trespass?
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   Forums List -> Drone TalkMessage format
Posted 9/9/2021 07:22 (#9210482 - in reply to #9210335)
Subject: RE: Do drones trespass?

So would you be cool with it if someone opened your gate and came onto private property (posted no trespass BTW) on a souped up 4 wheeler. Made a couple laps around your family taking video (can’t fly a drone from miles away without video feed) and then hauled butt?

Shooting down a drone is in absolutely no way like taking a persons life.

If you see an airplane over your property and you don’t like what it’s doing, it has a tail number that’s easy enough to see and take down so you can ask what’s going on. The guys hunting hogs from helicopters aren’t allowed to go on unwelcome property and fly low enough to push the hogs into property they can hunt. And they don’t. The drone has no way to announce itself and there’s no way to track it. So In theory it can do whatever it wants to and even if it gets caught you probably cannot find the owner if they don’t want to be found.
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