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Do drones trespass?
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Posted 9/6/2021 13:21 (#9205775)
Subject: Do drones trespass?

So I took the kids fishing this morning. We fished and the wife made breakfast on the black stone. I have a pond out in a pasture even the natives don’t know exists for the most part. (Can be seen on aerial image)

I thought a swarm of bees came through and kinda panicked (oldest is allergic) they left and we made the connection it was actually a drone. I know that sound and after the wife said she thought it was a drone. it was, we just never saw it.

It is opening weekend of dove season. There is some out of town hunters a couple miles from me. Maybe they were looking for a dove hole? Maybe parks and wildlife is using drones?

What’s the law? Can i shoot it down? Is it trespassing or not? I have nothing to hide, but I’m not a fan of being spied on.
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