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Question of the day
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Larry the High...
Posted 7/30/2006 12:22 (#31162 - in reply to #31155)
Subject: ...Speed Cable Guy RE: Question of the day

My case and deere dealer charge similar prices. Case is $72 and Deere is $75 and their mileage varies. I think i've seen a chart in their office using circles to ring their store. The smaller ring closest to the store is one mileage rate, the next is higher and so on and I think they are in 5 or 10 mile increments. Neither of my dealers garantee 24/7 parts and service though, not even in the busy season. I think you will be hard presses to get a dealer these days to make that committment. When I need after hours service I ususally call the mechanic myself and put a couple bucks extra in his pocket for the effort. I have only used my Cat once when I had the tranny problem on a used challenger I bought to work ground with. I think they were around $75 per hour too but I called them on a Saturday afternoon and they came right out that evening and back in the next morning with new parts on sunday. My case and deere dealer hav never been that fast, they both would have wanted me to bring the tractor to their shop. If I can get 24/7 support without having to take the tractor or combine to the shop or pay any sort of hauling fee I will pay for that kind of service.
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