 Nevada, Iowa | At least you finally answered the question. With that said, I stand corrected. Your posts give me the impression that there is a little more behind the scenes that we could all know, for a fee. Apparently, I was wrong.
What you call a stupid and unnecessary attack, I would call a challenge. It appears that you answered that challenge.
As far as offering nothing positive to the site, I find that remark very hurtful. As well as the remark regarding criticism. I don't feel that I have been that critical of others. Perhaps the BS remark was a little strong and I will take this opportunity to apologize for that.
As far as needing a resume, that is not what I am after but when something sounds too good to be true, I will question it. I will go back and read more of your past posts as I am not as closed minded as you seem to believe. I will say that I have extreme difficulty following your train of thought in the written form and perhaps that has led me to distrust the information you have given more than I should. The word cryptic came up yesterday and I believe that is the best analogy for me.
Some time earlier this year you made a remark about consistently raising 300 bu. corn. That is not an exact quote but I believe that is when I became skeptical of your posts. I am still skeptical. I will read your past posts as time allows in an effort to put a foot forward and I challenge you to convince me that my skepticism is unwarranted. My email address is valid should you want to continue this discussion. I will do my best to avoid being critical. | |