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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/18/2011 08:22 (#1917887 - in reply to #1917123)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

scottj - 8/17/2011 20:56 yeah what a genius, he found a field of corn in nebraska that doesn't have Goss's. Just so happens it was non-gmo. I'm not from anywhere near Nebraska so I assume that means every field of GMO corn in Nebraska has Goss's? Is that what that thread about "inductive reasoning" was all about?

Now that is a very good start Scott. and a very Viable Point also.

at least you read and consumed some of the content.  then used the thought process to evaluate and digest Information presented, 

you may be somewhat of a Analytical, Deductive thinker.  one in a Thousand  I would say.

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