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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/18/2011 07:48 (#1917836 - in reply to #1917369)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

il weedman - 8/17/2011 22:24 Spent the afternoon and evening wandering in cornfields. Found symptoms of goss's wilt in Stine 9806, Lewis and Pioneer. Looked at 4 of my Syngenta hybrids and didn't find them. Tried to get good pics but was overcast and could make things show up with camera phone. Need to get my high resolution camera out there. Pretty happy with ear size and some v5 quadris application side by sides. Will post tomorrow.

thank you for that good report. it confirms Tims and so many others observations.

so good to visit today. sure hope to walk some fields together. real soon 

and the High Yield S.B. plot work will reap Information much quicker with your help.


so many times we have to stimulate our minds to Look over, and beyond  the fence at Maximum Production Visions, Realizations.

The seed selection you make this fall. for YOUR farm next season will determine the end results next fall. Like NO other season ever.

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