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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 14:07 (#1916712 - in reply to #1916697)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

Illinois Steve - 8/17/2011 13:55 I wouldn't get too spun up about his BS. Everyone gives this guy way too much credibility but I think people are starting to see the real picture. The man isn't stupid by any means and I have seen him present some useful data on fertility and other matters in the past. However, over the course of the last year his posts seem to have a lot more conjecture than fact. Folks are figuring out that he doesn't really farm but rather he is selling something. He is one of these guys who is anti GMO and blames them for pretty much anything that ails corn. I wouldn't let him get to you even though he is a pretty smart guy. Just ask him!****

show me a Post where I use the term   ( quote. -  illinois Steve (  anti GMO )

that is NOT the situation at all. Steve.

maybe some are not so shure they are on the correct Path.

and not confident with some of the directions they have been taken. ?  Maybe.

something to think about.

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