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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 13:23 (#1916655 - in reply to #1916565)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

Central NE

While some of John's posts might be cyriptic, I think it is because he want's people to think for themselves and challenge their status-quo, not follow directions just because someone else or he told you so.

There is alot of information he has provided if you go back and read posts from the past.  I have never read him soliciting anything.  Yes I'm sure he gets under the skin of those who are soliciting Ag products and those who are happy consumers of Ag products,  but there is not much he can do about that.

Don't ask him to figure out what is needed on your farm for you.  We have all learned on Agtalk that everyone is in a different situation: ie crop, soil, rainfall, temperate zone.  And the very premise of a one size fits all solution that comes in a jar that you can apply to the soil runs contrary to what he has been saying for the last several years. 

Just my observations.

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