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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 13:18 (#1916647 - in reply to #1916565)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

Dave Cen.Ia - 8/17/2011 12:02 "I have never sold a bag of seed in My Life." What are you selling? You seem to have a holistic approach to crop production but you only speak enough riddle as to arouse curiosity. If you are not selling, why not divulge your complete program? It often seems to me when you are asked direct questions you either ignore them or speak more riddles. I am not a moderator of this forum but I think it is stated policy not to use this forum to solicit sales. I believe that the creators of this site wanted a forum that could be used to share information for each others benefit. I don't mean to be needlessly critical but it seems that you do not share much to anyone's benefit. You are critical of some modern production practices but you offer nothing but innuendo and riddle for information. If you are not using this site for personal benefit, why not give us your complete recipe for crop production success?[/QUOTE )

does one have to sell a product.  ?  or recommend a certain and specific product. to be a viable entity.

over the past 4 years I have posted many dry formulas, the last being  for 5 cuttings of Alfalfa. taken annually. on a farm in Ohio.

I have also posted formulas for fields growing 90 to 110 Bu. of S.B.

go back 4 years and read my Post's and you will get the 100% full picture.

If I have said it one time Dave. I have said it 100 times.


Each and every formula, for each field, or areas in fields, the application  of  Fertility is constructed, determined by a history of soil analysis , tissue analysis and Yield map

History. and Soil types.  Plus taking rotation, soil drainage into and individual farm management stiles into account. 

Now what More do you want than that Dave.    ?

I am sure You do the same thing,

and You are very happy with Your results.

so why would You care what my opinion is. ?  it has No concern with  what You do.  dave

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