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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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Posted 8/17/2011 11:43 (#1916548 - in reply to #1916513)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

il weedman - 8/17/2011 11:24 Would love to come out to Ohio. My mind is always open to SEE new ideas and practices. Those that know me on here know that about me. I never ignore facts. I am fact driven. I am blunt and to the point. I would assume you don't like that. I now have your number in my phone. Would be happy to talk to you. I am originally from Nokomis, IL moving here 5 years ago. I have been on this forum since it was developed. Was invited here by Ed Winkle who knows me and my way of thinking. I would also host you to here in the bottoms north of St Louis.

I have a good friend there. He may be close to You ill. .  an Agronomist for Syngenta. Now in the R. and D. department.  

Your in good country.  for sure.

You may not ignore the facts. but you are ignoring what the Posters are reporting. and showing Pictures of on this thread.  from what you are saying.

so maybe you are a selective fact accumulator   facts that comply with your background.  and thinking.

and Ohio, Like every other state. Is stressed from Heat and dry conditions.

Many ears Not pollinated during certain and specific time frames. Some areas more than others. and that has been discussed in Other threads also.  so NO perfect Agriculture anyplace. ever. 

that I have seen.

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