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Goss's wilt and hybrids
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il weedman
Posted 8/17/2011 10:56 (#1916473 - in reply to #1916443)
Subject: Re: Goss's wilt and hybrids

St. Charles, MO & Piper City, IL
"Not angered here Soil-life. Just disappointed in your methods. Lets look at your post:

Fly over Ill. and Iowa. Look hard at some of the Big Dekalb, Pioneer dealer.'s BTO S Planting a Long History of Trait-ed Seed.

do they suffer from goss ? They Also could be ? the Biggest users of Insecticides and Fungicides in the Past You tell Me."
So in this statement you are implying that by flying over an already stressed envirement that has had its share of Hail and Wind damage along with lack of rain, you imply that its the trated corn and fungicide that is causing this?
Purdue's pathology dept states "The bacteria enter any part of the corn plant through
wounds, such as those caused by hail and heavy winds.
Wind-driven rain can spread the bacteria. Although
the bacteria can enter wounds created by insect feeding,
insects are not known to transmit the bacteria."
So with an open mind I could look at this along with the weather events we all have endured and come to the conclusion that it could be caused by this more than overuse of traits and fungicides.

"study the Gene insertion into the Parent Plants with goss wilt Tolerance. or not. that You pay the BIG $ for.

This has been coming down the Pipeline since the Tech fee was collected from YOU. Many, Many years ago. could be ?

and You MAY, will Pay. Many times over. or may be Paid big time if there is NO goss s wilt out there. only rumors. and I am totally Wrong then

I would hope I am"

So with this you are implying that there is some conspiracy that this isn't really goss's wilt but some sort of reaction to the gene insertion? Am I misinformed?

"and think of whom will have the solution. To sell YOU.

could be.

with the insurance Program available to the Farmer. do you think anyone cares ???

and whom Backs the Insurance Program. YOU, and we all do.

Just my Opinion

and just something to look at. Observe with You eyes."

So now everybody is in on it? Retailers, seed dealers, insurance companies and the government?
Do you travel with Dr. Huber?
The problem I am having with you is you have no statistical facts that back up your claims. Facts mean a lot more than opinion. Everyone keeps asking you for more but it never seems to happen. We have no clue as to who or what you represent so it looks like you have an agenda. Almost something to hide with your practices.

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